Religous Education at St Joseph's
Religious Education at St Joseph’s – an overview St Joseph’s School is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham and for the teaching of RE we follow the Diocesan curriculum strategy, Learning & Growing as the People of God. This approach to the RE curriculum is divided into a number of units, usually 12 per year, from Nursery right up to Year 6. Four main areas are studied:
The Liturgical Year – finding out about the significance of the different liturgical seasons, and the liturgies, signs and symbols which are associated with them.
Scripture – children explore scripture from both Old and New Testaments and develop an understanding of how our faith is based on what Scripture reveals to us.
Sacraments – there is a strong sacramental focus in every year group, but this is particularly the case in Year 3 when children prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, and Year 6 when they prepare for Confirmation.
Living as Christians today – children learn about the Church today and how they can participate fully in her life and mission
Prayer and reflection are included at every opportunity both in RE lessons and at other times.
In RE lessons, children are encouraged to learn both about and from religion. This means that they learn about the faith which has been handed down to us, and are encouraged to think about what we can learn from it in terms of how we, and others, live our life. Click Here to view our current RE curriculum map