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Keeping Our Children Safe

Designated Safeguarding Leads

If you are concerned about the safety of a child at St Joseph’s School please contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads in the first instance. They are:

Ms C Smith or, in her absence, Ms A-M Wortley.

Please read the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Click here

For further information please see NSPCC Net Aware and Protect Young


Internet Safety

Parents guide to internet safety

SCiB (Safeguarding Children in Banbury)

St Joseph's School is part of SCiB - Safeguarding Children in Banbury. This is a group set up by professionals across Banbury to help support the needs of children in the town. Through a shared curriculum and signposting for families, SCiB aims to help our young people to develop resilience and learn about keeping safe.

You can find more information on the SCiB website by clicking here

As well as information about the work of SCiB, there are useful links to other organisations which can help support families and children.

School Closure


text a message to all the updated mobile phone numbers that we have – if you do not inform us of a new phone number we cannot inform you of a school closure via text;

However, we also:

  • post the information on the front page of the school website ;
  • post on the local authority school closure website;
  • contact Banbury Sound who post the information on their website.

Please take note of this information and ensure that you check any or all of these sites in the event of a school closure.

Road Safety

The ‘walking bus’ is continuing this academic year and has been very successful. We regularly have a dozen children who join us for the very short walk down from St Joseph’s Church car park. The car park gives plenty of space for turning whilst your children are gathered at the gate, leaving you free to get off to work. Please do make use of this facility and support us in keeping the road outside of school as car-free as possible. Over the summer holidays the yellow lines were re-painted outside of school and we would like to remind you that it is an offence to park on these yellow lines.

Notification of Absence

Please remember that, if your child is poorly or unable to attend school, we do need you to phone into school on each day of their absence before 8:40am.



Please CLICK HERE  for guidance on keeping our children safe when walking to school.