Religious Education
Catholic Social Teaching (CST)
Catholic Social Teaching is not a set of rules, nor is it a list of Scripture to learn, nor is it extra commandments. CST is a set of values based on the understanding that we are made in the image and likeness of God and have a duty to follow Jesus’ commandment to ‘Love One Another’ and to be respectful of all of God’s creation. It is, in fact, a call to action – it is how we live our faith each day.
At St Joseph’s, the whole school takes time to reflect on each of these values; one each term across a two year cycle (this can be seen on our curriculum maps for each phase). Our CST mornings are opportunities for the children and staff to develop different perspectives and think about the impact we have on each other and the world, as well as developing our sense of responsibility to ensure we are compassionate in all our encounters.
The Values:
· Human Dignity – through this we reflect on how God made each of us uniquely gifted and uniquely precious and that each of us has innate dignity that no one can take away
· Family and Community – through this we explore the role of family and community in enabling us to become complete, compassionate, fulfilled and active members of society
· Solidarity and the Common Good – through this we investigate the meaning of solidarity; of using your voice for the good of others; of lending your privilege to support those without; and committing ourselves to the good of others
· Rights and Responsibilities – through this we educate ourselves to understand the importance of our human rights, and the responsibilities that come with this – to ensure others also have their rights respected
· Option for the Poor and Vulnerable – through this we are encouraged to learn from Jesus to work to cerate a society where the needs of the poor and vulnerable always come first.
· Dignity of Work - through this we learn all work has value and all workers should be equally valued
· Stewardship and Caring for Creation – through this we recognise our responsibility to care for creation and be responsible guardians of the world God has created